Associate Regional Promotion Manager
1215 GlaxoSmithKline (China) Investment Co Ltd
China, Shanghai
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Role Purpose 职位目标: • 市场策略在区域的落地和卓越执行,收集区域对市场部策略的反馈,以便持续优化市场推广策略与执行。同时,结合区域特点,支持大区经理制定和执行区域市场推广计划; • 与疾病领域相关声誉好、学术影响力高的学会合作,增加产品在区域内的推广机会和市场声音,同时确保推广活动合规、高效执行; • 识别/培养/维护区域专家,推动专家观念变化,在学术活动中影响更多的基层医生提升规范化诊疗理念 Key Accountabilities/Responsibilities 主要工作职责: 1. 中央市场部品牌策略落地、卓越执行,并支持大区经理制定和执行区域市场推广计划。收集区域对市场部策略的反馈,以便持续优化市场推广策略与执行: • 熟知中央市场部策略内容及执行要求, 推进中央市场部策略在区域的执行(包括单产品和产品组合) • 发现并把握当地产品发展机会,与大区经理充分沟通,依照市场部的策略,支持大区经理共同制定区域推广计划,以支持销售和确保重要的产品策略得到有效执行。 • 月度进行产品策略和产品知识更新培训,确保区域所有产品信息与市场部同步。通过代表/地区经理协访,充分了解一线市场情况,并给出反馈。参加大区经理月管理会,对区域管理给出建议。 • 定期收集,分析和报告区域市场的发展趋势、竞争信息;了解市场动态,帮助大区经理调整销售策略 • 团队合作能力,比如与销售部,商业卓越部,合规部,CAMAC等的合作,支持销售团队的业务活动执行。 • 利用项目管理能力为行销活动和 TA 项目提供支持; 2. 学会赞助与区域活动的卓越执行与反馈: • 与当地学会建立和保持良好的沟通,了解区域市场环境,识别发展机会,增强GSK推广活动的影响力和覆盖面,并在年度计划中提出建设性意见以支持区域长期发展 • 对于赞助会,自办会作为EO,从获取招商函、活动申请到现场执行直至最终财务流程,RPM亲自全程负责 • 卓越执行区域内的市场活动,确保在公司合规框架内,有效支持产品策略执行 • 对区域内的市场活动进行追踪,定期回顾分析,最大化有效利用市场资源,并提供改进计划。 3. 识别/维护区域专家,制定覆盖计划,了解市场信息。推动专家观念变化,在学术活动中影响更多的基层医生提升规范化诊疗理念: • 熟悉区域市场相关领域有影响力KOL • 确认区域专家名单,整合区域、市场、医学,制定覆盖计划,并与MSL/RM达成一致; • 定期拜访专家,洞察专家见解,根据KOL的现有观念,制定发展计划(拜访频率,和沟通目的,观念和行为的变化),通过日常拜访/和医学部联合拜访,学术合作推进KOL观念,邀请其作为GSK 讲者。 • 根据所获悉的专家观念,为市场部品牌策略制定提供反馈建议 Qualifications/Requirements: 申请资格 / 职位要求: • 本科及以上学历,医药专业优先 • 5年以上制药行业经验 • 至少一年来自MNC的销售管理经验或者至少一年区域市场推广经验(MNC或者local公司) • 能够处理与工作相关的英文读写能力 • 良好的跨团队沟通以及解决问题的能力 • 良好的策略性思维(中央市场策略理解与落地执行) • 良好的电脑操作技能,能熟练使用Word, Excel, PPT GSK is a global biopharma company with a special purpose – to unite science, technology and talent to get ahead of disease together – so we can positively impact the health of billions of people and deliver stronger, more sustainable shareholder returns – as an organisation where people can thrive. Getting ahead means preventing disease as well as treating it, and we aim to impact the health of 2.5 billion people around the world in the next 10 years. Our success absolutely depends on our people. While getting ahead of disease together is about our ambition for patients and shareholders, it’s also about making GSK a place where people can thrive. We want GSK to be a workplace where everyone can feel a sense of belonging and thrive as set out in our Equal and Inclusive Treatment of Employees policy. We’re committed to being more proactive at all levels so that our workforce reflects the communities we work and hire in, and our GSK leadership reflects our GSK workforce. Important notice to Employment businesses/ Agencies GSK does not accept referrals from employment businesses and/or employment agencies in respect of the vacancies posted on this site. All employment businesses/agencies are required to contact GSK's commercial and general procurement/human resources department to obtain prior written authorization before referring any candidates to GSK. The obtaining of prior written authorization is a condition precedent to any agreement (verbal or written) between the employment business/ agency and GSK. In the absence of such written authorization being obtained any actions undertaken by the employment business/agency shall be deemed to have been performed without the consent or contractual agreement of GSK. GSK shall therefore not be liable for any fees arising from such actions or any fees arising from any referrals by employment businesses/agencies in respect of the vacancies posted on this site. 致候选人的重要提示: GSK招聘团队只会使用 @gsk.com 后缀的邮箱与您联系。若您收到任何声称来自GSK邀请您面试或请您提供任何个人信息的邮件,我们建议您留意发件人的邮箱地址,并谨慎回复。若您不确定您所收到的邮件是否来自GSK,请您通过chk.*****@******.com联系我们。 We are a global biopharma company with a special purpose – to unite science, technology and talent to get ahead of disease together – so we can positively impact the health of billions of people and deliver stronger, more sustainable shareholder returns – as an organisation where people can thrive. Getting ahead means preventing disease as well as treating it, and we aim to impact the health of 2.5 billion people around the world in the next 10 years. Our success absolutely depends on our people. While getting ahead of disease together is about our ambition for patients and shareholders, it’s also about making GSK a place where people can thrive. We want GSK to be a place where people feel inspired, encouraged and challenged to be the best they can be. A place where they can be themselves – feeling welcome, valued and included. Where they can keep growing and look after their wellbeing. So, if you share our ambition, join us at this exciting moment in our journey to get Ahead Together. Find out more on our career site.
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