Agriculutre Supervisor, Worker
Greenlife Organic Farming LLC
Sharjah, UAE
These are some of the responsibilities for agricultural supervisors:

1. **Daily Operations Oversight**: Oversee day-to-day operations of the facility.
2. **Attendance Recording**: Record the daily attendance of employees in the "Attendance Register".
3. **Resource Coordination**: Instruct employees to arrange all items required for the sites each day.
4. **Site Updates**: Update the group with pictures of each site, including entry and exit times.
5. **Garden Area Updates**: Update the group with pictures of five different areas of the garden clearly.
6. **Time Management**: Ensure adherence to the allotted time for each site and inform superiors of any delays.
7. **Customer Communication**: Communicate with customers about their reviews, complaints, and requirements, and inform management.
8. **Work Supervision**: Supervise workers and their work.
9. **Behavioral Reporting**: Report any misbehavior from staff.
10. **Maintenance Reporting**: Fill the "Maintenance Report Book" and ensure the tasks mentioned are properly done.
11. **Daily Record Keeping**: Maintain a "Daily Record Book" with all details accurately documented.
12. **Documentation Submission**: Daily submit all purchase bills and maintenance sheets.
13. **Site Cleanliness**: Ensure workers clean the area properly before leaving the site.
14. **Employee Compliance**: Ensure all employees arrive on time, in proper uniforms, including safety shoes.